Solutions — Calibration Management

Calibration Management


Streamlined Service Processes

Elevate your calibration processes with the power of CERDAAC's advanced metrology engine. Designed to improve productivity and accuracy, our solution offers a suite of features tailored for the precise needs of modern metrology.

Auto-Calculation of Measurement Uncertainty

Remove human error and save time with automatic calculations that ensure precision in every service process.

Digital Repository

Access a comprehensive digital library of measurements, performance specifications, and equipment user guides—all securely stored for instant retrieval.

Seamless Integration

Harmonize your calibration management with automation solutions, bridging the gap between data management and operations.


Enhanced Equipment Management

Optimize Asset Utilization

CERDAAC gives insight into asset condition and maintenance status, enabling proactive management and avoidance of unscheduled downtimes.

Automatic Scheduling

Stay ahead of the curve with automatic alerts for service dates and calibration schedules, keeping your assets within optimal operating conditions.

Reverse Traceability and History Management

Gain a comprehensive understanding of your assets’ calibration history with reverse traceability analysis, promoting accountability and historical data integrity.


Digital Transformation and Data Utilization

Cloud-Based with Open API Capabilities

Leverage technology for a streamlined, modernized service delivery that enhances customer relationships through integrating with your existing systems.

Centralized Document Management

Say goodbye to paper records and hello to a secure, centralized platform for all your calibration protocols, SOPs, and crucial documents.

Intuitive Data Entry and Management

Reduce administrative overhead with automated data capture and digital record-keeping that eliminates repetitive tasks and focuses on efficiency.

Commitment to Productivity

Eliminate day-to-day burdens and refocus your energy where it counts. CERDAAC brings a superior level of efficiency and productivity, transforming your calibration management through innovation and technology. Integrate assets, manage schedules, and secure your compliance all within one intuitive system.

Discover how CERDAAC can revolutionize your calibration management today. Contact us to learn more and schedule a demo.
