


Streamlining Compliance and Efficiency in Pharmaceuticals

At CERDAAC, our commitment is to empower the pharmaceutical industry with cutting-edge solutions that increase efficiency, drive productivity, and maintain compliance with current good manufacturing practices (cGMP).  We understand the rigorous regulatory pressures you face, and we’ve designed a software suite that not only meets these challenges but elevates your operational capabilities.


Regulatory Compliance

CERDAAC helps with regulatory compliance by automating maintenance records, scheduling preventive maintenance, and ensuring equipment reliability and safety, thereby aligning operations with industry standards and legal requirements efficiently and effectively.


Best Practice-Centered Functionality

CERDAAC is precision-engineered to align with FDA regulations. It seamlessly integrates into your operations to offer workflow automation, electronic signatures, detailed audit trails and much more. These features collectively ensure your adherence to best practices in the pharmaceutical industry


Driving Productivity

Bid farewell to paper-based processes and welcome a leaner manufacturing approach. Our software eliminates time-based scheduling hassles and errors associated with manual input through efficient measurement data templates, streamlined event creation, and extensive workflow automation that simplifies and accelerates your processes.

    Reducing Equipment Downtime

    With CERDAAC, harmonize maintenance and calibration of equipment, spare parts management, and optimize scheduling to reduce equipment downtime and production interruptions. All equipment history is accurately tracked and easily accessible through electronic records.

    Delivering Business Intelligence

    Harness the power of data with CERDAAC’s on-demand business intelligence features, including in-depth visibility into assets and manufacturing processes, deep analytical insights, compliance control, and data-driven outcomes that are measurable and impactful.

    Increasing Efficiency

    CERDAAC is an intuitive, user-friendly software platform that enables fast adoption across all user types. Its ease-of-use delivers instant access to essential asset information and the capabilities to increase work efficiencies and productivity.

Connect with Us

Discover how our innovative solutions can be a game-changer for your pharmaceutical company. Our team is here to guide you through every step – from integration to optimization. Contact Us to schedule a demonstration or speak with a solutions expert.
